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2024 | Book

Consumer Behavior in Practice

Strategic Insights for the Modern Marketer


About this book

Aimed at marketing students and practitioners, this book places less emphasis on theory but, instead, helps readers to understand why their customers are acting in a certain way or why their marketing activities or initiatives are not (or are) working out.

The text examines the relevance of consumer behavior in such marketing topics as advertising and pricing, with topical chapters such as the sharing economy, luxury consumer behavior, and the ideological consumer. Each chapter includes boxes that highlight theory in greater depth; show how the concepts discuss “work” in actual practice; and the relevance of digital and social media marketing.

This book will prove useful to those looking for a greater understanding of how consumer behavior provides greater insight about marketing activities.

Table of Contents


Complexities of Consumer Decision-Making

Chapter 1. Consumer Decision-Making Strategies
Apply rational decision-making models to assess and predict consumer choices, equipping the ability to recognize and use these models to analyze and enhance consumer decision-making processes.
Eugene Y. Chan

Relevance to the Modern Marketer

Chapter 2. Advertising
Apply the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) to assess and design persuasive advertising campaigns that consider central and peripheral routes to persuasion.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 3. Pricing
Understand the psychological factors that influence consumers’ perception of prices, and apply this knowledge to create pricing strategies that align with consumer expectations and motivations.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 4. Brand Loyalty
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the nature and dimensions of brand loyalty, enabling the ability to identify and evaluate its impact on consumer behavior and business success.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 5. Emotional Marketing
One undeniable fact stands out in the dynamic world of contemporary marketing: people do not just make logical decisions based solely on logic. Instead, emotions have a significant impact on people’s decisions, particularly in the area of consumer behavior. Marketers and researchers alike are interested in the complex and intricate dance that occurs when emotions and decision-making interact.
Eugene Y. Chan

Diversity of Consumer Behavior

Chapter 6. Luxury Consumer Behavior
The concept of luxury is intricate and multifaceted, going beyond simple utility or necessity. It speaks of goods, services, or encounters that are above average and offer a higher standard of quality, exclusivity, and aesthetic pleasure. Craftsmanship, rarity, prestige, and a strong emotional draw are frequently linked to luxury.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 7. Digital Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior has undergone significant change as a result of the rise of digitalization. The widespread adoption of digital technologies has resulted in a significant change in how consumers interact with brands, products, and services. The dramatic expansion of information access is one of the most notable effects of digitalization. Nowadays, consumers have access to a wealth of information that enables them to research products, compare prices, read reviews, and decide after doing so.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 8. The Ideological Customer
Politics and consumer behavior are now inextricably linked in today's dynamic and interconnected world. People no longer just buy things based on their personal preferences; their decisions are frequently influenced by their political ideologies, affiliations, and beliefs. This chapter explores the intriguing relationship between political ideology and consumer behavior, illuminating the ways in which people's political beliefs affect their consumption habits, brand preferences, and engagement with marketing tactics.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 9. Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
The boundaries of geography no longer apply to the business world in today’s globalized economy. A thorough understanding of cross-cultural consumer behavior becomes not only an asset but also essential as marketing executives negotiate the complex terrain of international trade. This chapter explores the complex topic of how cultural quirks affect consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, and brand perceptions globally.
Eugene Y. Chan

Consumer Behavior, Today and Tomorrow

Chapter 10. Consumer Behavior in the Sharing Economy
A fundamental change in how people interact with goods and services in recent years has sparked a transformation in consumer behavior: the sharing economy. The sharing economy, which is characterized by its focus on access over ownership, has upended conventional consumption patterns by igniting a dynamic interaction between technology, consumer preferences, and market dynamics.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 11. Sustainable Consumer Decision-Making
The landscape of consumer behavior is changing drastically in a time marked by unheard-of environmental problems and increased consumer awareness. An intricate knowledge of sustainable consumer decision-making becomes more than just a tactical advantage as marketing executives navigate this unstable terrain.
Eugene Y. Chan
Chapter 12. Consumer Behavior During a Brand Crisis
The landscape of consumer behavior has grown more complex in an age marked by connectivity and quick information dissemination, particularly when a brand crisis occurs. Understanding consumer behavior in these crucial situations is crucial for marketing executives to maintain brand equity as well as to direct the course of their company’s future.
Eugene Y. Chan

Forecasting Consumer Behavior

Chapter 13. Consumer Behavior in the Future
Understanding consumer behavior has never been more important for successful marketing strategies in the fast-paced, globally connected world of today. Technology advancements, shifting societal norms, and the unrelenting search for singular and meaningful experiences are driving the landscape's rapid evolution.
Eugene Y. Chan
Consumer Behavior in Practice
Eugene Y. Chan
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