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2013 | Book

Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations

Forschungsparadigmen und neue Perspektiven

Editors: Ansgar Zerfaß, Lars Rademacher, Stefan Wehmeier

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden


About this book

Der Band diskutiert ein zentrales Thema für die Kommunikationswissenschaft und Organisationsforschung: Das Verhältnis von Konzeptionen der Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations. Die Autoren legen die Entwicklungslinien von PR-Theorien und Organisationskommunikation offen, präsentieren neue Ansätze zur Kombination beider Richtungen und stellen neue Untersuchungsfelder sowie empirische Zugänge zur internen Kommunikation von Organisationen vor.

Table of Contents

Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations: Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten. Eine Einleitung.
This publication was motivated by the Annual conference of the German Communication Association, Public Relations/Organisational Communication division during November 2010 in Leipzig, Germany. Under the thematic guidance of “Organisational communication and communication management“ a wide platform was established for discussion of all aspects of organisational communication and a greater foundation was enabled for communication management within organisational studies.
Stefan Wehmeier, Lars Rademacher, Ansgar Zerfaß

Grundlagen und Forschungsperspektiven

Why “Public Relations”, why not “Organizational Communication”? Some comments on the dynamic potential of a research area
Der vorliegende Aufsatz beleuchtet die unterschiedliche Positionierung der Forschungsfelder Public Relations und Organisationskommunikation in der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Kommunikationswissenschaft. Auch wenn die Bezeichnungen im deutschen Sprachraum zunehmend synonym verwendet werden, kann sich eine wissenschaftliche Annäherung der beiden Bereiche nicht im Austausch der Begrifflichkeiten erschöpfen.
Anna Maria Theis-Berglmair
Bridging Corporate and Organizational Communication: Review, Development and a Look to the Future
Die Theorie und Praxis der Unternehmenskommunikation (im Sinne der englischsprachigen Disziplin Corporate Communication) ist zumeist geleitet von anderen Ansätzen und Problemen als die der Disziplin Organisationskommunikation. Gleichwohl beeinflusst das spezielle diszipnlinäre Mindset der Unternehmenskommunikation, das auf Konsistenz, Kohärenz und Konstanz von Unternehmensbotschaften ausgerichtet ist, zunehmend auch das Fachgebiet der Organisationskommunikation.
Lars Thøger Christensen, Joep Cornelissen
Strategic Communication – Pillars and Perspectives of an Alternative Paradigm
Professionelle Kommunikation in und zwischen Organisationen sowie ihren Bezugsgruppen kann aus sehr unterschiedlichen theoretischen Perspektiven analysiert werden. Innerhalb der Kommunikationswissenschaft haben sich Public Relations und Organisationskommunikation als teilweise überlappende Theorieansätze mit unterschiedlichen Ausgangsfragen und Schwerpunkten etabliert. In Betriebswirtschaftlehre und Marketingforschung werden Konzepte wie Integrierte (Marketing-) Kommunikation, Reputationsmanagement und Unternehmenskommunikation diskutiert.
Derina R. Holtzhausen, Ansgar Zerfass

Theorien und Konzepte

Organisations- trifft Kommunikationsforschung: Der Beitrag der „Communication Constitutes Organization“-Perspektive (CCO)
This article introduces one emergent theoretical perspective from the North American research field of organizational communication that has come to be called “communication constitutes organization“ (CCO). The CCO perspective ascribes to communication a fundamental role in the constitution of organizations: Organizations basically consist of interconnected events of communication.
Dennis Schoeneborn
Begriffliche Grundlagen und Begründung einer unpraktischen PR-Theorie
The aim of this contribution is to close a gap in Public Relations-theory research often bewailed on: As far as the organisational level is concerned, one can diagnose a dominance of approaches based on business-management research. Those are often referred to as “communication management”. However, a sufficiently abstract PR-theory on the meso-level that is (a) able to consider the function and benefits of PR for organisations from different social spheres and (b) at the same time adaptable to superordinated social theory does not yet exist.
Joachim Preusse, Ulrike Röttger, Jana Schmitt
PR im „eisernen Käfig“? Der Beitrag des Neo-Institutionalismus für die PR- Forschung.
Institutional theory is a success story in organizational studies, which is more and more acknowledged in organizational communication and public relations research. This renaissance of institutional thought alleviates the dominant rationalist paradigm of PR research most visible in its turn to and evolution towards communication management. An institutional perspective on PR provides a necessary counterweight to this rationalist paradigm.
Swaran Sandhu
Organisationskommunikation aus sozialintegrativer Perspektive
This article draws on the sociological approach of Uwe Schimank to overcome the gap between the micro- and macro-perspective of organization and organizational communication. Based on the discussion of flaws in theory building in organizational communication, we sketch the basic idea of Schimanks approach of organizations. We then describe his perspective of micro-macro-integration and differentiate it to make it work in organizational communication and public relations. Based on a conducted study in media relations we describe possibilities of operationalizing Schimank’s theory in the field of comunication.
Martin Löffelholz, Claudia Auer, Kathrin Schleicher
Strategieaufruf: Theoriegeleitete Neubestimmung des Strategiebegriffs
Strategy seems to be dead. Rarely has a terminology of such high aspirations on managerial thinking and practice become more indifferent and disposable. The lack of profound meaning and the inflation of application in nearly any business, the media, public use and, in fact, private domain has practically lead to its downfall. However, organisations still decide strategically, act strategically, position themselve strategically.
Joachim Kuss, Ansgar Thießen, Lars Rademacher, Ralf Langen, Robert Wreschniok
Orientierung von Mitarbeitern – ein mikrotheoretischer Ansatz für die interne Kommunikation
The chapter outlines a model of internal communication that has a microtheoretical foundation. Drawing from social psychology, it describes employees’ need for orientation in the social setting of the organization. Orientation as a prerogative for taking meaningful action is a process that consists of three closely linked dimensions. In each of these dimensions, internal communication can contribute to individual orientation.
Simone Huck-Sandhu
Interfunktionale und leistungsprozessbezogene Kommunikation. Eine systematische Annäherung
If organizations are only constituted by communication, organizational communication and PR theory have to pay attention to formal communication between organizational units as well – since formal communication in and between organizations has a strong constitutional effect. The paper aims to propose a model of inter-functional and performance-oriented communication that unfolds the dimensions of an Effective inter- and intra-organizational communication between quasi-independent units that are just linked together by a supply or production process.
Lars Rademacher, Nadine Remus

Forschungsparadigmen zwischen Theorie und Praxis

Können Kommunikationsprobleme zwischen Managementwissenschaftlern und Praktikern in gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten überwunden werden?
Research results in business administration usually cannot be practically implemented directly. Also practical problems don’t directly find their way into management research. This is due to the different logics that are followed by communication in sciences on the one hand and communication in practice on the other hand. The resulting problem is called rigor-relevance gap. Several authors are convinced that collaborative project research of business practioners and management scientists is a highly promising way to overcome this rigor-relevance gap. In this article we take a closer look at the question if this is really the case.
Alfred Kieser, Lars Leiner
Make Public-Relations-Research matter – Alternative Wege der PR-Forschung
This article develops an outline of alternative public relations research. In order to unravel this outline we first explain how academic public relations can be described in research and education. To unfold an alternative idea we then introduce the programmatic draft “Make Social Science Matter“ by Bent Flyvbjerg including his differentiation between Episteme, Techne and Phronesis based on Aristotle.
Howard Nothhaft, Stefan Wehmeier
Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations
Ansgar Zerfaß
Lars Rademacher
Stefan Wehmeier
Copyright Year
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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