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2021 | Book

The Japanese Economy During the Great Depression

The Emergence of Macroeconomic Policy in A Small and Open Economy, 1931–1936

Author: Prof. Masato Shizume

Publisher: Springer Singapore

Book Series : Studies in Economic History


About this book

This book provides a systematic explanation of a remarkable policy innovation in an emerging economy in the modern world. In doing so, it highlights the nature of the Japanese economy during the interwar period. It offers a canonical case study for an international macroeconomic policy of a small and open economy. Readers can draw lessons from the Japanese experience in the 1930s, recalling what kinds of challenges policymakers faced in a crisis situation, what they can do, and what they should not do. As a whole, it is a novel reference both for scholars in economic history and international economics and for policymakers all over the world. A comprehensive and clear-cut picture of the Japanese economy during the Great Depression in the 1930s is presented, including the policy innovations brought about by an iconoclastic finance minister, Korekiyo Takahashi, at that time. To this end, the book integrates the narrative analysis based on newly available archival documents and the quantitative analysis based on newly constructed macroeconomic data and contemporary econometric methodologies.

This work shows how Japan escaped from the depression in its early stage. It illustrates a transmission mechanism of the macroeconomic stimulus package of currency depreciation, easy money, and fiscal expansion. As well, it argues that the key for economic recovery was currency depreciation and that expectations played a pivotal role in ending deflation and kick-starting economic recovery. Also contained here is an exploration of politico-economic interaction in the shaping of economic policy and the long-term consequences of policy actions such as departure from the gold standard and initiation of the government debt finance by the central bank. It is shown that the collapse of the international gold standard and the lack of governance of military spending resulted in a loss of fiscal discipline in the long run.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Takahashi Korekiyo, the Man Who Brought Japan Out of the Great Depression
In this book, I revisit the achievements of Takahashi Korekiyo, a finance minister of Japan whose innovative macroeconomic policy brought Japan out of the global Great Depression in the 1930s. To this end, I review the Japanese economy in this period with data and chronology, explore the origins, intentions, and the consequences of Takahashi’s policy with econometric and archival analyses, and discuss lessons from this policy that can be applied today. In this introductory chapter, I go through the Japanese economy with reference to Takahashi’s policy and show the goals and the structure of this book.
Masato Shizume
Chapter 2. Japan’s Plunge into and Emergence from the Great Depression
In this chapter, I first overview modern Japanese economic history from a long-term perspective for the period between the mid-nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries while putting the Japanese economy in its global context. I then review Japan’s macroeconomic performance and policies during the 1930s focusing on exchange rate, fiscal, and monetary policies.
Masato Shizume
Chapter 3. Policy Innovation in the Great Depression
Crises bring policy innovations. Facing unprecedented situations, policymakers have worked hard to find solutions and still do so today. Takahashi has often been referred to as one of the world’s best policy innovators during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Which part of his policy was innovative? Was that really his work? To answer these questions, I revisit his policies focusing on policy innovation. First, I go through his exchange rate policy with reference to the departure from the gold standard. Second, I explore his fiscal policy focusing on debt-financed fiscal expansion. Third, I dig into the conduct of monetary policy focusing on open market operations. The appendix to this chapter explores the monetary policy operation based on the recently compiled government bond yield term structure data.
Masato Shizume
Chapter 4. Sustainability of Public Debt Under Stress
While Takahashi’s policy package brought the Japanese economy out of the Great Depression, crises in the international and domestic political scenes continued. Takahashi negotiated with the military ministers to alleviate the burden on public finances of the operation on mainland China and the buildup of arms. I revisit his struggle with pressures resulting from military expansionism from the perspective of fiscal and public debt policy governance in the long term.
Masato Shizume
Chapter 5. Origins of the Economic Ideas of Takahashi Korekiyo
In this chapter, I will explore the origins of Takahashi’s policies with reference to his career and personal networks in a global context both in time and space. I will begin with the development of his career, which informed his perception of society and the economy. Then, I will review his accomplishments as finance minister from his first appointment in 1913 through 1936, when he was assassinated. Finally, I will summarize his thoughts in relation to his earlier career and experience.
Masato Shizume
Chapter 6. Lessons for Today from Takahashi Korekiyo’s Policies
This chapter concludes with lessons for today, focusing on challenges Takahashi faced, policy innovations he and his colleague introduced, and broader implications for the domestic political economy and geopolitics in the Asia–Pacific region. From a pure economic perspective, the challenges he faced were comparable to those of policymakers in an emerging economy today. However, the biggest challenge for him was the crisis of fiscal policy governance, which also related to Japan’s primary national goal.
Masato Shizume
The Japanese Economy During the Great Depression
Prof. Masato Shizume
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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