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114501 search results for:

Micro Mobility 

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  1. 23-05-2024 | Online First

    Effect of microseparation and corner radius on contact mechanics and failure of dual mobility implants under regular and physically demanding gait loads

    Dual mobility implants plays a vital role in reducing revision rate of implants. The contact mechanics of ceramic-on-polyethylene with ceramic liner and head lateral displacement accompanied by corner radius for acetabular shell inner diameter for …

  2. 01-02-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Women and Intergenerational Mobility in Education: A Micro-Level Study from Weavers’ Community of Varanasi, India

    Macro-level studies on intergenerational mobility among women in India suggests that, there is a need to further probe certain excluded communities that have a higher likelihood of persistence of educational status among women through micro-level …

  3. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Shared Micro-mobility: Technologies, Challenges and Prospects of Using Collected Data

    Electric micro-vehicles including scooters, bicycles, and mopeds are gaining popularity as a preferred shared mode of transportation due to their environmental sustainability and cost-effectiveness. However, despite their numerous benefits, these …

    Rania Swessi, Zeineb EL Khalfi
    Published in:
    Distributed Computing for Emerging Smart Networks (2024)
  4. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Regularization of Micro-mobility Modes in an Emerging Economy: A Case of India

    The rise in growing traffic congestion, long urban commute durations, and lack of last and first-mile connectivity to public transport has led to citizens scouting for alternative modes to reach their desired destinations in the most economic …

    Shalini Kumari
    Published in:
    Transportation Research (2024)
  5. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Access to Microfinance for Social Mobility in Mexico

    A reduction on both income and expenses among Mexican families after the confinement set during the pandemic worsened economic inequality and set higher obstacles for upward social mobility. A conceptual model is presented for a novel scheme of …

    Lorena DelaTorre-Díaz
    Published in:
    Creating Economic Stability Amid Global Uncertainty (2023)
  6. Open Access 01-12-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Micro-mobility and road safety: why do e-scooter riders use the sidewalk? Evidence from a German field study

    E-scooters, a term that describes electrically powered two-wheeled scooters with a handlebar that allows them to be ridden while standing on a board between the two wheels, have appeared relatively suddenly and on a large scale on roads around the …

  7. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Enhancing Learning Mobility with a Community-Based Micro-Credential e-Portfolio Platform Service for Higher Education

    This paper reports on the design of Inxignia: Community-Based Micro-Credential e-Portfolio Platform Service in collaboration with SOI Asia (School on Internet Asia). It aims to connect fragmented learning opportunities in the Landscape of Practice …

    Rika Ikeda, Andrey Ferriyan, Keiko Okawa, Achmad Husni Thamrin
    Published in:
    Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures (2023)
  8. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Shared Micro-mobility: A Panacea or a Patch for Our Urban Transport Problems?

    Shared micro-mobilityMicro-mobility, including station-based bike-sharingBike sharing and dock-less bike-/scooter-sharing, experienced phenomenal growth in the past decade in cities across the globe. It is low traffic impact, eco-friendly, and …

    Zhenpeng Zou
    Published in:
    Intelligence for Future Cities (2023)
  9. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Micro-mobility and Micrο-mobility’s Status Quo in Greece

    Micro-mobility is a major component of urban mobility, especially after the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The potential of micro-mobility holds, in-respect to the creation of a more sustainable transport system is high and crucial, since it can …

    Panagiota Mavrogenidou, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Athena Tsirimpa
    Published in:
    Smart Energy for Smart Transport (2023)
  10. Open Access 10-01-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Map building using helmet-mounted LiDAR for micro-mobility

    This paper presents a point-cloud mapping method using a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) mounted on a helmet worn by a rider of micro-mobility. The distortion in LiDAR measurements, which is caused by motion and shaking of micro-mobility and …

  11. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    On the Influence of Microscopic Mobility in Modelling Pedestrian Communication

    In the recent past, wireless network simulations involving pedestrians are getting increasing attention within the research community. Examples are crowd networking, pedestrian communication via Sidelink/D2D, wireless contact tracing to fight the …

    Lars Wischhof, Maximilian Kilian, Stefan Schuhbäck, Gerta Köster
    Published in:
    Ubiquitous Networking (2023)
  12. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Park-and-Ride: The Case for Coupling EV Charging Stations with Micro-mobility Hubs

    Electric vehicle (EV) ownership is skyrocketing while authorities are scrambling to expand their charging infrastructure networks. In urban areas, they all face the ever-pertinent question of maximizing the marginal benefits of each new EV …

    Aikaterini Moschopoulou, Ioannis Frantzeskakis, Konstandinos Grizos, Theocharis Vlachopanagiotis
    Published in:
    Smart Energy for Smart Transport (2023)
  13. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Designing a Novel Urban Mobility Solution: UX Approach to Shared Autonomous Micro Vehicles

    Cars have transformed the world in the way people individually get from point A to point B. As an urban mobility offer, they still dominate and shape citizens’ everyday life. But the demands for restrictions on motorized individual mobility are …

    Devina Manoeva, Sigrid Salzer, Stephan Schmidt
    Published in:
    HCI International 2022 Posters (2022)
  14. Open Access 01-12-2022 | OriginalPaper

    The periodicity and initial evolution of micro-mobility systems: a case study of the docked bike-sharing system in New York City, USA

    With the introduction of micro-mobility services, the landscape of modern urban transport is evolving. These new services have provided flexible commuting modes to fulfill human mobility needs. There are a wide range of micro-mobility options …

  15. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Innovative Street Furniture Supporting Electric Micro-mobility for Active Aging

    The promotion of active aging and healthy mobility among seniors is a global challenge. The recent diffusion of e-bikes, mobility scooters, and electric tricycles has disclosed new opportunities for older adults to get around with less effort and …

    Theo Zaffagnini, Gabriele Lelli, Ilaria Fabbri, Marco Negri
    Published in:
    Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design (2022)
  16. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Microscopic Markov Chain Approach for Measuring Mobility Driven SARS-CoV-2 Transmission

    After more than a year of non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as, lock-downs and masks, questions remain on how effective these interventions were and could have been. The vast differences in the enforcement of and adherence to policies adds …

    Trevor G. Kent, Nolan E. Phillips, Ian McCulloh, Viveca Pavon-Harr, Heather G. Patsolic
    Published in:
    Complex Networks & Their Applications X (2022)
  17. 20-06-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Cost-efficient mobility offloading and task scheduling for microservices IoVT applications in container-based fog cloud network

    These days, the usage of the internet of Vehicle Things (IVoT) applications such as E-Business, E-Train, E-Ambulance has been growing progressively. These applications require mobility-aware delay-sensitive services to execute their tasks. With …

  18. 04-01-2020 | BriefCommunication

    Effect of material composition on noise performance of sub-micron high electron mobility transistor

    Noise figure, reflection coefficient and normalized resistance for AlxGa1−xN/GaN based sub-micron high electron mobility transistor is analytically investigated as a function of material composition from small-signal equivalent circuit over the …

  19. 23-07-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Impact of Salt Fog Aging on Space Charge and Charge Trap-Controlled Mobility Characteristics of Silicone Rubber Micro-nanocomposites

    Silicone rubber incorporated with micro-aluminum trihydrate and varying weight fraction of nano-alumina fillers was fabricated and investigated for its space charge and trap-controlled mobility characteristics upon subjecting it to salt-fog aging.

  20. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Small Icons with Wide Borders: The Semiotics of Micro-Mobility in Urban Space

    Today installed on our digital screens are several icons that converge the physical and virtual realities of cities. As new interfaces for smart city experiences, a great variety of mobile city apps provide location-based information and imagery …

    Suzan Girginkaya Akdağ
    Published in:
    The Dialectics of Urban and Architectural Boundaries in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (2021)

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