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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

4. 5S Tool

verfasst von : Alexandra Ruth Trujillo-Sebastián, Estefano Rubén Palomino-Cóndor, Juan Carlos Quiroz-Flores

Erschienen in: Lean Manufacturing in Latin America

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter analyses the concept of 5S, its origins, scope, main critical success factors, barriers, and a bibliometric analysis of 5S. It also presents a case study of the application of the five phases of the method in a Peruvian plastic plate manufacturing company, where the main objective is to obtain a positive impact on the productivity of the organization. The result of 0.72 plates produced/suns is evident after the implementation of 5S owing to order, cleanliness, and work environment, which led to the elimination of unnecessary time and activities that do not generate value, such as unnecessary inspections of the product at the end of the process.

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5S Tool
verfasst von
Alexandra Ruth Trujillo-Sebastián
Estefano Rubén Palomino-Cóndor
Juan Carlos Quiroz-Flores


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