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A comparative study on travel mode share, emission, and safety in five Vietnamese Cities

verfasst von: An Minh Ngoc, Hiroaki Nishiuchi, Nguyen Van Truong, Le Thu Huyen

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 1/2022


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Motorcycles dominate current transport activities in Vietnamese cities; however, historical data show that bikes and public transport were popular as recently as 30 years ago. Because the transport infrastructure in Vietnamese cities makes it unsafe for cycling and inconvenient for public transport, many cyclists and public transport users switch to private motorized vehicles, particularly motorcycles, as soon as they can afford to make the change. The preference for motorcycles in Vietnamese cities has resulted in an increased risk of road traffic accidents and a degradation of air quality. Reducing the share of motorcycles on Vietnamese roads by improving public transport would be expected not only to improve public safety but also to have a positive impact on the environment and public health. However, efforts to improve the public transport have not yet been properly integrated into the local government system in every city. As the result, each city has different outcomes in mitigating the motorcycle-related challenges. This study examines travel behaviors in five major Vietnamese cities—Hanoi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), and Can Tho—and compares the impact of improved public transport on mode choice, emissions, and traffic safety. It is found that improving public transport would result in an 21.11 percent reduction in transport emissions by 2030 in Hanoi, as well as reductions of 12.5 percent in Hai Phong, 17.37 percent in Da Nang, 9.75 percent in HCMC, and 15.21 percent in Can Tho. The differences in these percentages are due to the heterogeneous modal shifts among cities. The provision of improved public transport is also shown to reduce the risk of road traffic accidents. The risk of a traffic fatality in Hanoi decreases by 49.6 percent, while in Hai Phong, the reduction is 43.8 percent; the risk in Can Tho, Da Nang and HCMC decreases by 18.7 percent, 19.8 percent, and 26.3 percent, respectively. As public transport investment is beginning to be adapted to the city context, our results indicate that investment capital on improving the public transport system would partly contribute on reducing emissions and traffic accidents in Vietnamese cities.

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A comparative study on travel mode share, emission, and safety in five Vietnamese Cities
verfasst von
An Minh Ngoc
Hiroaki Nishiuchi
Nguyen Van Truong
Le Thu Huyen
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 1/2022
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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