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2018 | Supplement | Buchkapitel

6. A Comprehensive Framework for Elderly Healthcare Monitoring in Smart Environment

verfasst von : M. Al Hemairy, M. Serhani, S. Amin, M. Alahmad

Erschienen in: Technology for Smart Futures

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Global demographic trends clearly point out that the world population is aging due to a combination of dropping mortality rates and increasing life expectancy. The global community is seeking solutions to address the pressing societal challenge of providing effective and efficient healthcare to the elderly. It is difficult to achieve satisfactory results merely by relying on scaling up conventional healthcare infrastructures. These techniques will not be sufficient to independently assist the elderly to live alone in a house mainly if they are suffering from chronic diseases, thus require continuous health monitoring. It is imperative to exploit the advances in emerging technologies such as biosensors, mobile devices, and communication networks to provide remote health monitoring services along with the physical infrastructural facilities. Remote and continuous monitoring of patients with chronic diseases is being considered as an efficient and cost-effective solution, which will reduce the burden on the elderly and his/her families, as well as on the health government’s expenses. While considerable research and development is being undertaken in this field, most of the current state of the art reflects a lack of a concerted and cohesive approach to develop an integrated remote health monitoring system. This chapter surveys existing pervasive healthcare systems and classifies them as academia based or industrial based, and then it develops a set of criteria to compare these solutions. It discusses some drawbacks of existing solutions and proposes future directions in pervasive healthcare, which are predicted to shape future pervasive healthcare systems. Finally, it proposes a novel healthcare monitoring framework based on an integrated and scalable architecture, which provides flexibility and enables interoperability between myriads of healthcare monitoring devices. The proposed framework relies on the analytics of both evidenced data collected from sensors as well as the massive data collected from social networks. A prototype of the framework has been developed to evaluate the applicability and the efficiency of monitoring and analytics practices.

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A Comprehensive Framework for Elderly Healthcare Monitoring in Smart Environment
verfasst von
M. Al Hemairy
M. Serhani
S. Amin
M. Alahmad