2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
A Decision Support System Applied to Lipodystrophy Based on Virtual Reality and Rapid Prototyping
verfasst von : G. Gómez Ciriza, C. Suárez Mejías, C. Parra Calderón, T. Gómez Cía, R. López García
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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In this paper, we present a medicine decision support system based on medical image processing, virtual reality and rapid prototyping techniques, providing surgeons a computer-aided diagnosis tool that allows evaluation of volumetric changes in lipodystrophy. It also provides a decision support system for surgical planning and intraoperative guidelines to perform the intervention.
This system began to be developed in our hospital in 2005 under a research, development and innovation project called VirSSPA. The system is composed by a surface scanner, VirSSPA software and physical biomodels generated by rapid prototyping in our installations. VirSSPA allows surgeons to generate and modify a virtual model of the patient and control any change in the facial contours.
As a result we have improved the quality of care using innovative techniques such as those described above.