2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
A Decision Support System for Operating Theater in Hospitals: Improving Safety, Efficiency and Clinical Continuity
verfasst von : R. Miniati, G. Cecconi, F. Frosini, F. Dori, G. Biffi Gentili, F. Petrucci, S. Franchi, R. Gusinu
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Surgical area is onne of the most critical components within the hospital system as it represents the core activity in terms of health services’ production, patients’ infections and technology management.
Guaranteeing continuity of a safe and productive Operating Thecate (OT) is essential for hospitals. Post-surgery infections represent a serious issue in healthcare, where monitoring engineering parameters, related to the air system installation, is considered a proper indicator for the risk evaluation. More-over, OT clinical activity must be continuously ensured no t depending on technology failures and that activity should bee planned for the highest usage in order to amortize and reduce thee OT management costs (including fixed plus variable cost).
Hence, this pappier aims to design a Decision Support System (DSS) for a sustainable web-based application which is able too support decision makers with fast and usable online reports on patient safety, productivity and technology dotation in OT.