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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

3. A Delphi Summary of Desired Futures 2020 and 2030

verfasst von : Jörn H Bühring

Erschienen in: Private Banking and Wealth Management Futures 2030

Verlag: Springer Singapore

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The Delphi method helped develop a deeper understanding of how experts in the fields of private banking, wealth management, technological innovations, and social discourse consider future trends, developments, and related forces likely to lead to opportunities and emerging possibilities in the private banking sector. Qualitative research methods, and the use of foresight processes and tools, are introduced in what the author referrers to as a design-inspired foresight approach. Specifically, this chapter lays out the participant sampling, research design, study questions, and approaches taken to illicit current and emerging issues from experts in Financial Services over several Delphi rounds probing into the future (2020, 2030) from four perspectives:—the organization, market, industry, and the Chinese consumer. The analysis of the Delphi survey produced a total of 237 issues, and 8 scenario statements across two time horizons.

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Zurück zum Zitat Voros J (2003) A generic foresight process framework. Foresight 5(3):10–21CrossRef Voros J (2003) A generic foresight process framework. Foresight 5(3):10–21CrossRef
A Delphi Summary of Desired Futures 2020 and 2030
verfasst von
Jörn H Bühring
Springer Singapore

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