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A Framework for Matching Distinct Personality Types with Information Security Awareness Methods

verfasst von : Veronika Jashari, Satu Björn, Ella Kolkowska, Shang Gao

Erschienen in: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The objective of this study is to develop a framework to associate learning styles and social influencing vulnerabilities with different personality types in the context of tailoring Information Security Awareness (ISA) methods for people with different personality types. Directed content analysis is carried out to develop the framework. The analysis is conducted in the following two parts: a). Describe and identify keywords for the DISC (Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S) and Compliance (C)) personality types, Kolb’s learning styles and Cialdini’s social influencing principles; b). Identify the relationships between Personality types, Learning styles, and Social influencing vulnerabilities and create the PLS (i.e., Personality types, Learning styles, and Social influencing vulnerabilities) framework. As a result, four relationships are identified for each distinct personality type in the PLS framework. This study contributes to building a sound theoretical ground for tailoring ISA methods for people with different personality types . In addition, the derived keywords are helpful to capture a good understanding of the different dimensions of the selected theories. Furthermore, the developed PLS framework can be used as a base for managers to employ ISA methods for people with different personality types in organizations.

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A Framework for Matching Distinct Personality Types with Information Security Awareness Methods
verfasst von
Veronika Jashari
Satu Björn
Ella Kolkowska
Shang Gao