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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

A Fully Immersive Dual-Task Using a Smartphone While Walking in a Virtual Reality Environment

verfasst von : Gildas Marin, Noélie Berjaud, Jeremy Julien, Marc Le Renard, Delphine Bernardin

Erschienen in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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We developed a fully simulated dual-task paradigm to be used in virtual environment studies implying both eye-head coordination and an increased workload. We utilized a physical smartphone for favoring an authentic touch and haptic feedback, and a free walk on a treadmill, without any imposed control system, to closely replicate real-world postural behavior while facilitating natural walking. These simple and natural tasks may play a key role in future vision sciences studies.

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A Fully Immersive Dual-Task Using a Smartphone While Walking in a Virtual Reality Environment
verfasst von
Gildas Marin
Noélie Berjaud
Jeremy Julien
Marc Le Renard
Delphine Bernardin