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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

A Holistic Approach to Developing Intervention Strategies Against Digital Piracy

verfasst von : Nompilo Fakude, Elmarie Kritzinger

Erschienen in: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Addressing the global challenge of digital piracy, this study concludes a research series that explores the multifaceted drivers behind copyright infringement activities. Integrating findings from a PRISMA-guided systematic literature review and the application of behavioural psychology through the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), this work identifies key factors of digital piracy, including accessibility, awareness, education and social and cultural influences, alongside a consideration of previous behaviour. Crucially, the research leverages expert reviews analysed through ATLAS.ti, enhancing the development of the Digital Piracy Conceptual Framework (DPCF). The study’s findings, derived from interviews with one (1) participant from each of the six (6) sectors, provide sector-specific insights that, while informative, should not be interpreted as broadly generalisable across industries. This detailed approach has refined the DPCF, offering a comprehensive blueprint for devising effective digital piracy intervention strategies, marking a significant step towards mitigating this pervasive issue and protecting intellectual property rights globally.

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A Holistic Approach to Developing Intervention Strategies Against Digital Piracy
verfasst von
Nompilo Fakude
Elmarie Kritzinger