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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

A Knowledge Transfer-Based Bees Algorithm for Expert Team Formation Problem in Internet Company

verfasst von : Yanjie Song, Yangyang Guo, Jiting Li, Jian Wu, Qinwen Yang, Yingwu Chen

Erschienen in: Intelligent Engineering Optimisation with the Bees Algorithm

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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How to build a team of experts plays an important role in the smooth development of a new project. The Internet company was investigated to determine how to form a team that can communicate effectively. This problem is known as the problem of expert team formation in Internet companies (TFPICs). We construct a mathematical optimisation model based on an undirected graph and propose a bees algorithm using knowledge transfer, named KT-BA. KT-BA uses the best information obtained through cooperative search of multiple subpopulations and transfers the dominant subpopulations to other subpopulations. A reproduction mechanism is also used in the algorithm to generate new individuals to enhance population diversity. The experimental results verify the solution performance of KT-BA, and the obtained expert team formation scheme outperforms the traditional bees algorithm and neighbourhood search algorithm. Thus, KT-BA is suitable for application in large Internet companies to provide scientific decisions for project development.

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A Knowledge Transfer-Based Bees Algorithm for Expert Team Formation Problem in Internet Company
verfasst von
Yanjie Song
Yangyang Guo
Jiting Li
Jian Wu
Qinwen Yang
Yingwu Chen


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