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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

A Low Power High Input Impedance CMOS Biopotential Integrated Preamplifier

verfasst von : Porika Nandini, Jatoth Deepak Naik, Pradeep Gorre, Alaaddin Al-Shidaifat, Mohammad Khaleqi Qaleh Jooq, Sandeep Kumar, Hanjung Song

Erschienen in: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The front-end amplifier is an essential component in neurological monitoring systems for signal detection and preprocessing, affecting besides the quality of the biosignal but additionally detector size and usage of power. In this study, a unique dual feedback loop-controlled method is presented to account for both signal leakage through the input bias network and leakage currents produced by low-noise amplifiers when they are implemented as integrated circuits. The Front-End Amplifier (FEA) is guaranteed to retain a significant input impedance despite all manufacturing and operating changes thanks to this loop design. Results from simulations using the 65 nm CMOS technology are given. This FEA uses 3.14 μW and accomplishes an input impedance of 2 TΩ and input referred noise of 23 pV/√Hz.

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A Low Power High Input Impedance CMOS Biopotential Integrated Preamplifier
verfasst von
Porika Nandini
Jatoth Deepak Naik
Pradeep Gorre
Alaaddin Al-Shidaifat
Mohammad Khaleqi Qaleh Jooq
Sandeep Kumar
Hanjung Song
Springer Nature Singapore