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A Low Power Noise-Shaping SAR ADC with Improved Integrator and Hybrid DAC Mismatch Mitigation Technique

verfasst von: Gang Jin, Haofeng Wang, Kexin Zhang, Hualian Tang

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing


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With increasing attention drawn to medical devices, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with higher resolutions are in great demand to address more complex signal processing needs. A second-order noise-shaping successive approximation register (NS-SAR) ADC with new approaches is presented in this paper. The area and power consumption of the integrator is reduced by reusing the operational amplifier. Correlated level shifting (CLS) is implemented to further boost the DC gain of the op-amp and alleviate the integral leakage, which can help to realize a sharp noise transfer function (NTF). Moreover, CLS suppresses the memory effect caused by the op-amp reuse strategy with higher gain of the op-amp. By combining Mismatch Error Shaping (MES) and Random Rotation-Based binary-weighted Selection (RRBS) techniques, the impact of capacitor mismatch on DAC is mitigated with little additional hardware cost and logic complexity. A prototype ADC is simulated in 180 nm CMOS technology and achieves an SNDR of 91.4 dB over a bandwidth of 31.25 kHz while consuming only 138 μW. Schreier figure-of-merit (FoMs) is 174.9 dB.

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A Low Power Noise-Shaping SAR ADC with Improved Integrator and Hybrid DAC Mismatch Mitigation Technique
verfasst von
Gang Jin
Haofeng Wang
Kexin Zhang
Hualian Tang
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878