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A Note on Variability and Simplification in Geotechnical Models and Methods

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Geotechnical design involves a myriad of complexities due to the inherent variability of soil and the necessity to simplify intricate geological conditions for engineering analyses. This review note explores the implications of variability and simplifications in geotechnical design and proposes potential solutions to address these challenges. Variability in soil properties arises from natural geological processes, anthropogenic influences, and spatial heterogeneity. This variability poses uncertainties in geotechnical analyses, leading to potential discrepancies between the predicted and actual performance of engineered structures. The consequences can range from increased construction costs to compromised safety and functionality of projects. To facilitate design calculations, engineers often resort to simplifications such as assuming homogeneous soil behavior or idealized geometries. While these simplifications aid in model development and analysis, they may not capture the true complexity of soil-structure interactions, leading to conservative or inadequate designs. To mitigate the adverse effects of variability and simplifications, a comprehensive approach is required. Tailored laboratory testing campaigns should be prioritized to quantify soil variability using advanced testing techniques. Probabilistic methods and stochastic modeling can account for uncertainties and variability in design parameters, enabling the incorporation of risk analysis into the decision-making process. Furthermore, the development of advanced numerical modeling tools, incorporating geotechnical data from multiple sources, can improve the accuracy of design predictions.

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A Note on Variability and Simplification in Geotechnical Models and Methods
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Emad Maleki Tabrizi