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A Novel Indirect Approach for Modelling a Class of Fractional-Order System in Complex Domain

verfasst von: Wandarisa Sungoh, Jaydeep Swarnakar

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Ausgabe 10/2024


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In this paper, a method is presented to obtain the discrete model of the fractional-order system (FOS) in complex \(z\)-domain. An indirect modelling approach has been implemented for the proposed work. Initially, a stable first-order discrete-time operator is formulated by interpolating Tustin and reduced Tick integrators. Later, the fractional-order differentiator has been modelled in two stages. The first stage employs Oustaloup method to obtain the approximate model of the fractional-order differentiator (FOD) in \(s\)-domain. The second stage uses the newly formulated operator to discretize the \(s\)-domain model for attaining stable discrete rational model of the FOD in \(z\)-domain. The efficacy of the proposed method over some of the prevailing methods has been presented with appropriate simulation outcomes.

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A Novel Indirect Approach for Modelling a Class of Fractional-Order System in Complex Domain
verfasst von
Wandarisa Sungoh
Jaydeep Swarnakar
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing / Ausgabe 10/2024
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878