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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

20. A Popular Environmentalism in Defence of Life, Dignity and Territory (An Autobiographical Contribution from an Activist Geographer)

verfasst von : Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves

Erschienen in: Brazilian Geography

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The Brazilian geography underwent an important turning point in the 1970s, partly as a result of a general transformation of the geography around the world and mainly due to the particularities of the historical moment which Brazilian society was traversing. An important theoretical contribution resulting from this was a radical epistemic and political change in which geography, instead of being an object of study—the geographical space—became viewed as a verb—the act/action of writing the earth: geography. The article will have an autobiographical tone due to the author's involvement in the process: a geobiography.

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In most Western languages, the literal sense of uncovered (desenvolver, desarrollar, developper, todevelop, sviluppare, entwickelné) meaning to remove from the wrapper, envelope or package. It has the same meaning as to unwrap or to unravel (remove from the skein). In short, to open what is closed. However, this opening is not organic, that is to say, the organism itself or something that comes from within and according to its specificities (Buss and Scheibe 1992). It is not organic. The uncovering always comes from outside and is always associated with the idea of growth, as if it was a permanent attribute. This never occurs in life. The constant demand for matter and energy was born when capital entered the metabolic circuit of the production of goods, with the use of carbon molecules with the steam machine. This led to the belief that there would be no limits to growth. Finally, capital has confused its desire with reality, and today it wants to make a further leap to continue creating the carbon market.
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A Popular Environmentalism in Defence of Life, Dignity and Territory (An Autobiographical Contribution from an Activist Geographer)
verfasst von
Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves
Springer Nature Singapore