2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
A Prototype Wafer Processing TCAD Tool Composed of BMD Simulation Module, Metal Gettering and Thermal Stress/Slip Functions for Scaled Device Design Phase
verfasst von : T. Okada, A. Fathurahman, R. Takeda, H. Banba, H. Kubota, Y. Matsushita, M. Naito, S. Nakamura
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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We developed a new prototype TCAD tool for wafer processing, particularly to predict BMD(bulk micro defects) distribution, metal gettering characteristics, stress/slip behaviors from the view points of industry such as device reliability and reproducibility. We present herein (i)system concepts and basic models of the tool, (ii)notable output results of BMD radius/profiles in terms of initial interstitial oxygen ([O
]) concentration and process sequences in conjunction with metal gettering and typical stress/slip behaviors. We also discuss thermal budget customization with emphasis on substrate stiffness and gettering efficiency for reliability and reproducibility improvements in scaled devices.