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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

A Role of Wearable Health Technology in Smart Cities

verfasst von : Ritu Chauhan, Harleen Kaur, Khushi Mehta, Bhavya Alankar

Erschienen in: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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In this rapidly changing era of the world, healthcare devices are revolutionizing, which enables the continuous measurement of crucial biological markers for diagnostic purposes, physiological health monitoring, and evaluation. Hence, wearable devices have transformed into accessories, embedded clothing, body adaptors, and body implants. Additionally, the emergence of wearable healthcare devices that facilitates the diagnosis and prognosis by using tiny sensing devices and biomedical devices has greatly enhanced the efficiency as well as the quality of medical care facilities results in the tremendous advancements in semiconductor technology, biomedical technologies, and nano-sized materials over the past few decades. Meanwhile, the devices could provide real-time feedback, allowing users to analyze their health and monitor in a specific period that has been assigned to the smart wearable devices, even though the industries and manufacturers are intensely interested in interpreting the factors that influence the adoption of new smart technologies, which helps to improve the performance and viability of wearable devices to fascinate consumers. Hence, the advancements in technology are regarded as trustworthy equipment for everlasting monitoring of health that are frequently used to monitor and control a diverse of health tracking predictors in the surroundings, including monitoring health and wellness of the body. In recent years, it has been focused on the study of a wide range of parameters closer to advancements in smart technology. As a result, these smart devices are now utilized in a variety of healthcare monitoring applications, one of the most crucial aspects of data collection is the various factors based on bodily activities.

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A Role of Wearable Health Technology in Smart Cities
verfasst von
Ritu Chauhan
Harleen Kaur
Khushi Mehta
Bhavya Alankar
Springer Nature Singapore