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A Scenario Tree-Based Decomposition for Solving Multistage Stochastic Programs

With Application in Energy Production



Chapter 1. Overview
Power generation based on renewable energy sources plays an important role in the development of a sustainable and environmentally friendly generation of energy, motivated by the finite nature of fossil energy sources and environmental pollution. In particular, wind energy is considered to be most promising to provide a substantial part of the electrical energy supply. But due to the fluctuating behavior of power production from renewable energies, especially caused by wind power production, new challenges are posed to the structure of power generation systems. In this context, we approach the question of how energy storages and flexible generation units may contribute to decouple fluctuating supply and demand, yielding a sustainable and cost efficient energy production. To this end, the problem is formulated as an optimization model including combinatorial, nonlinear, and stochastic aspects. By approximating the nonlinearities, we receive a stochastic multistage mixed-integer program. The aim of this thesis is the development of a solution algorithm which is capable to solve test instances sufficiently large to provide reliable results. This is accomplished by developing a decomposition approach based on splitting the corresponding scenario tree, enhanced by mixed integer programming techniques, such as primal methods and cutting plane generation.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 2. An Energy Production Problem
The focus of this chapter is on the description of the power generation problem constituting the energy economical application of this thesis. In Section 2.1, we start with an introduction to the energy economical background exposing the issues arising from an increasing participation of regenerative energy to the electric energy supply. Subsequently, we give a description of the power supply problem studied in this thesis focusing on the application of energy storages in order to decouple fluctuating supply and demand in Section 2.2. In the power generation system, different power plants and energy storages are considered whose basic technical characteristics are presented in Section 2.3. Finally, in Section 2.4 we provide a survey on related literature concerning modeling and solution approaches of the problem.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 3. Mathematical Modeling
The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of energy storages within a power generating system, including fluctuating energy supply. In this chapter we describe the mathematical modeling of the problem, taking technical as well as economical aspects into account.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 4. Polyhedral Study of Stochastic Switching Polytopes
In this chapter, we investigate the solution set of the minimum runtime and downtime conditions of a power plant, introduced in Section 3.1.3. When a plant is switched on, these restrictions ensure that the plant keeps running for a certain number of time steps and when it is turned off, it must remain off for a certain number of time steps, too. In our problem these restrictions have to be considered for the coal power plant in order to avoid increased thermal stress. In this chapter, we study the underlying 0/1 polytope for the stochastic formulation where uncertainty is modeled by a set of scenarios, as described in Section 3.2. Thus, we will call it stochastic switching polytope. For our studies, we used the software packages PORTA and POLYMAKE, see [CL] and [GJ00], in order to obtain a complete linear description of small instances.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 5. Primal Heuristics
So far, we have mainly concentrated on improving the formulation of the problem yielding a better lower bound of the linear program relaxation. A further important aspect in a branch-and-cut algorithm is the generation of good feasible solutions early in the solution process with the aim of reducing the overall computational effort. Thus, in this chapter we focus on the development of a primal heuristic, aiming at the generation of solutions with a low objective function value in an adequate running time. ding the deterministic as well as the stochastic problem, a variety of primal approaches can be found in the literature, generally classified into construction and improvement heuristics. In order to obtain a good feasible start solution for the branch-and-cut algorithm, we follow the idea of relax-and-fix, which constructs a feasible solution from scratch. Thereon, we adapt this approach to our problems by developing problem specific approximation schemes, which are used additionally to the integrality relaxation.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 6. A Scenario Tree-Based Decomposition of Multistage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Problems
Based on our problem formulation of Section 3.2, we are interested in solving optimization problems where a set of parameters is uncertain. Modeling uncertainty via a set of scenarios and describing their relationship by the corresponding scenario tree, we obtain a multistage stochastic mixed-integer program (SMIP). As nonanticipativity constraints have to be respected, the deterministic problems associated with one scenario cannot be solved separately. Additionally, we want to consider problems where integer restrictions can appear in any stage of the problem, which may even make the solution of a one-scenario subproblem difficult. Furthermore, the size of problems normally grows very quickly with increasing number of time stages and scenarios considered in the model. In this chapter, we present a decomposition approach in order to solve the S-OPGen problem which shows the potential of solving a wide range of related problems.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 7. Algorithmic Implementation
This chapter is devoted to the algorithmic implementation of the SD-BB algorithm presented in Chapter 6. In order to make the algorithm successful, several ideas are developed which exploit either the specific properties of the algorithm or the characteristics of the S-OPGen problem.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 8. Computational Results
In this chapter, we present a series of computational results for the solution of the D-OPGen and S-OPGen problem with the aim of documenting the performance of the solution approaches presented in the previous chapters. In Section 8.1, we start with a description of the problem instances considered for the computations by specifying the power generation system, followed by the presentation of the generated scenario trees. Subsequently, we computationally investigate the incorporation of facets determined for the stochastic switching polytope of Chapter 4 as cutting planes to a branchand-cut algorithm. The main focus of this chapter lies on the investigation on the computational behavior of the SD-BB algorithm whose development and implementation has been described in the previous two chapters. In this context, we perform a systematic calibration of the applied methods and parameters with the aim of obtaining general suggestions for the setting. On this basis the algorithm is applied to instances of larger size where we scale the basic characteristics which define a problem instance of the S-OPGen problem.
Debora Mahlke
Chapter 9. Conclusions
In this thesis, we have developed a novel scenario tree-based decomposition approach incorporated in a branch-and-bound framework for the solution of multistage stochastic mixed-integer programs. This study has been motivated by the real world problem arising in energy production when large amounts of fluctuating energy are fed into the public supply network. Due to the rising participation of electricity based on wind power, the potential of energy storages to decouple fluctuating supply and demand is of great interest.
Debora Mahlke
A Scenario Tree-Based Decomposition for Solving Multistage Stochastic Programs
verfasst von
Debora Mahlke
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