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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

A Study on the Adoption of Smart Home Devices: PLS Structural Equation Modeling

verfasst von : Abdurrahman Can, Umut Asan

Erschienen in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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In this study, the adoption of smart home devices that offer comfort, security, and energy-saving to users has been examined. The technology acceptance model (TAM) is extended by integrating Domain Specific Innovativeness, Perceived Compatibility, Perceived Data Reliability, Perceived System Reliability, Variety Seeking and Laziness into the model. Different from the existing studies in the literature, the present study introduces the constructs Variety Seeking and Laziness the first time. In addition, Personal Innovativeness is replaced by the construct Domain Specific Innovativeness. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is used to test the proposed model. This statistical technique does not require the data to be normally distributed and is well suited for testing large and complex models including moderating effects. According to the results, the relationship between Domain Specific Innovativeness and Perceived Usefulness is not supported. On the other hand, a positive weak relation is found between Domain Specific Innovativeness and Perceived Ease of Use. Although the analysis also reveals a weak positive relationship between Laziness and Attitude, the moderating effect of Laziness on the relationship between Attitude and Perceived Usefulness as well as Attitude and Perceived Ease of Use is not supported. Finally, a weak positive relationship between Variety Seeking and Attitude is found.

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A Study on the Adoption of Smart Home Devices: PLS Structural Equation Modeling
verfasst von
Abdurrahman Can
Umut Asan

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