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A two-dimensional (2D) analytical surface potential and subthreshold current model for underlap dual-material double-gate (DMDG) FinFET

verfasst von: Vadthiya Narendar, Saurabh Rai, Siddharth Tiwari

Erschienen in: Journal of Computational Electronics


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Double-gate (DG) MOSFETs are regarded as leading front runners in the semiconductor industry. To alleviate the short-channel effects (SCEs) in DG MOSFET, a new underlap dual-material (DM) DG FinFET device structure is proposed, which has the advantages of an underlapped device as well as of a dual-material gate device (DMG). A 2D analytical surface potential and subthreshold current modelling of the proposed device has been done by solving the Poisson’s equation. It has also been found that the results obtained analytically are in good agreement with numerical simulation results. As the underlap length \((L_\mathrm{un})\) increases, a substantial reduction of subthreshold current due to enhanced gate control over channel regime is observed. The DMG used in the structure improves average velocity of the carriers which leads to superior drive current of the device. The proposed device structure has been compared with underlap single-metal (SM) DG FinFET structures in terms of electrical characteristics, such as drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL). The comparison confirms the suppression of SCEs with increasing \(L_\mathrm{un}\) in both the structures, but it is more significant in the case of underlap DMDG FinFET structures.

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A two-dimensional (2D) analytical surface potential and subthreshold current model for underlap dual-material double-gate (DMDG) FinFET
verfasst von
Vadthiya Narendar
Saurabh Rai
Siddharth Tiwari
Springer US
Erschienen in
Journal of Computational Electronics
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Elektronische ISSN: 1572-8137