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18.11.2024 | Connected Automated Vehicles and ITS

A Two-Stage Framework for CAV Platoon Formation Transformation

verfasst von: Wei Shan Yang, Yue Peng Chen, Yi Xin Su

Erschienen in: International Journal of Automotive Technology


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Connected automated vehicle (CAV) platooning transforms intelligent transportation systems but faces challenges in formation changes, including collision avoidance and external traffic interference. We propose a two-stage framework to address these issues. The offline stage employs an A*-based cooperative maneuver algorithm that uses a matrix-based formation representation and simplified vehicle maneuver rules to convert the formation search problem into an optimal path problem, generating discrete intermediate sequences. In the online stage, we introduce a formation-priority-based distributed model predictive control (DMPC) algorithm that maintains interaction consistency among vehicles by assigning priorities based on intermediate formation characteristics. To mitigate long priority chains, our method avoids unnecessary priority comparisons and employs a responsive collision avoidance strategy. Numerical simulations, including experiments with external disturbances, validate that our approach effectively plans intermediate formations. It shows a 9–15% optimality loss compared to centralized MPC and maintains optimality consistency while meeting real-time requirements compared to prioritized DMPC.

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A Two-Stage Framework for CAV Platoon Formation Transformation
verfasst von
Wei Shan Yang
Yue Peng Chen
Yi Xin Su
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Erschienen in
International Journal of Automotive Technology
Print ISSN: 1229-9138
Elektronische ISSN: 1976-3832