2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
A Versatile Microfabricated Platform for Single-Cell Studies
verfasst von : A. Benavente-Babace, D. Gallego-Pérez, D. J. Hansford, S. Arana, E. Pérez-Lorenzo, M. Mujika
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Here we present the development of a tunable microfluidic device for single cell studies that combines a number of technologies for applications in cell therapy and cancer research. The fabricated device consists of a main trapping module and two clip-on units. In this work optimum fabrication, cell trapping and seeding parameters are described. This versatile microfabricated platform will enable the investigation of fundamental biological processes such as cell migration or intercellular communications without the necessity of any surface functionalization and in a more in-vivo like manner.