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A Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Differential Rectifier for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Systems

verfasst von: Ataollah Mahsafar, Mohammad Yavari

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Ausgabe 5/2024


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In this paper, a radio frequency energy harvesting system with a wide dynamic range rectifier is presented. This rectifier has two feedback and feedforward structures. These paths keep the rectifier’s power conversion efficiency (PCE) high at different input powers and thus create a high dynamic range (DR). This rectifier also has better sensitivity. Advances in the rectifier contribute to more satisfactory results for the final system. The circuit is simulated with 180 nm TSMC CMOS technology at a frequency of 900 MHz. Also, a π-type input impedance matching network circuit is used. This circuit is matched at Pin = − 19.5 dBm and f = 900 MHz. In addition, an off-chip balun is utilized to convert the received single-ended signal to the differential one. The achieved PCE and DR are 86.03% and 9.76 dB, respectively, with a sensitivity of − 19.32 at 1 V output voltage. Furthermore, the overall circuit results indicate a PCE of 76.13%, a DR of 6.3 dB, and a sensitivity of − 18.75 dBm.

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A Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Differential Rectifier for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Systems
verfasst von
Ataollah Mahsafar
Mohammad Yavari
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing / Ausgabe 5/2024
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878