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Advances in Conditioning Techniques for Earthen Materials

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With growing global interest in sustainability and the necessity of its incorporation into every facet of living, earthen materials continue to attract interest of geotechnical engineers. Due to their widespread serviceability and cost-effectiveness, earth materials have been used for construction for thousands of years. But due to its vulnerability to excessive loading, wetting and implications of earthquakes, the natural soil needs to be stabilized in order to address these problems and guarantee the durability and accessibility of the structure. Unsurprisingly, construction using natural earth (subsoil) is regaining popularity given the increased awareness of the environment. The alternative approach of using earthen materials in construction promotes sustainability in the building sector by reducing the embodied carbon and reliance on calcined materials such as cement.

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Advances in Conditioning Techniques for Earthen Materials
verfasst von
Ayse Pekrioglu Balkis
Aya Ahmad