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2020 | Buch

Agglomeration in Metallurgy


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This book gives details on the processes of agglomeration and its role in modern metal production processes. It starts with a chapter on sinter production, also discussing the quality of sinter and environmental aspects involved on the process. The following chapters focus on pellet production and briquetting of natural and anthropogenic raw materials. It also highlights the best available technologies for briquetting by stiff extrusion.


Chapter 1. Sinter Production
In the sintering, a preliminary prepared mixture of charge components and solid fuel is being burnt in air flow filtered layer (vacuum sintering). Let’s describe the phenomenon of sintering technology.
Aitber Bizhanov, Valentina Chizhikova
Chapter 2. Pellet Production
Pellets are spherical solid bodies obtained by the granulation of finely divided iron ore materials with the addition of binder and fluxing components (or without them), followed by strengthening.
Aitber Bizhanov, Valentina Chizhikova
Chapter 3. Briquetting
The creation of a dense mass of dispersed material is a favorite occupation of man, starting from the new Stone Age (the Neolithic, from 7000 BC). Almost as often, a person has to resort to the opposite effect—grinding a solid material. The most important branch of economic activity, in which both of these processes are extremely important, is metallurgy, which originated in the so-called Iron Age (from 1200 BC to 340 AD). And by the way, in which century we live now? Judging by the role that iron and steel play in our life, we can confidently consider the modern era of the information civilization as another period of the Iron Age.
Aitber Bizhanov, Valentina Chizhikova
Chapter 4. Best Available Technologies for Agglomeration of the Raw Materials for Blast Furnaces
The best available technologies (BAT) concept was first time used in 1992 by OSPAR Convention for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic for all types of industrial installations.
Aitber Bizhanov, Valentina Chizhikova
Agglomeration in Metallurgy
verfasst von
Dr. Aitber Bizhanov
Prof. Dr. Valentina Chizhikova
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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