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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Aircraft Noise Monitoring for Greening the Airports

verfasst von : Oleksandr Zaporozhets

Erschienen in: Energy and Sustainable Aviation Fuels Solutions

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Noise monitoring in the vicinity of the airports still does not play the role which is usually covered by environmental monitoring. It is generally defined as gathering, assessing and reporting environmental information obtained through continuous or periodic sampling, observation and analysis of both natural variation or changes and anthropogenic pressures and their effects on humans and the environment. Today, the Airport Noise and Operations Management System (ANOMS) is a sophisticated, acoustical system which monitors aircraft flight tracks, fleet mix and noise levels by time of day, season and on an annual basis. Four main ways of reporting measurements of aircraft noise were identified by the research—online platforms, reporting of noise monitor data, bespoke noise reports for a given community and noise contours. The goal of the ANOMS usage is to maximize aircraft operations within environmental constraints, reduce operating costs while improving noise office productivity, reporting regulatory compliance and increasing community tolerance for airport growth. It becomes a tool necessary to be used for proactive (not simply reactive as mostly realized now around airports worldwide) and even collaborative systems of noise management in airports.

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Aircraft Noise Monitoring for Greening the Airports
verfasst von
Oleksandr Zaporozhets