Al Alamein New City (ANC) is located in a site named after a battle that took place during the Second World War (WWII 1942).The Egyptian Government selected a prestigious site on the north western coast to host the new city, which is expected to set a new benchmark, and a model for the new generation of sustainable cities in Egypt. In fact, the site is rich with its natural, and historical resources; however, achieving sustainable development in Egypt implies overcoming multiple challenges. The most pressing challenges are institutional, financial, and managerial. The site has a waterfront on the Mediterranean that extends 14 km. It includes the WWII cemeteries’ historical site. The desert expands to host the new city, and its activities, and a possible agricultural hinterland.
Although new cities have had long history in Egypt, yet the challenges to build a successful, sustainable, and an attractive new city are debatable. The author stresses on good governance being the most relevant challenge to achieve sustainability. Hence, governance will join the three well known sustainability pillars: Social, economic, and environmental aspects. The author will tackle major issues that will constitute the elements of branding New AL-Alamein City.
This chapter is the first authentic published material describing the city master plan. It is structured in three main parts. The first part consists of the vision development derived from the regional context. The second part deals with the strategy of sustainable development in the city, its pathways, its pillars, and the major guidelines to achieve sustainability. This part ends with the development drivers, that serves as the base for the forthcoming part. The last, and third part visualizes the planning concept, and its relevancy to achieve sustainability, in addition to the master plan, the design concept, and related details including the use of attractive public spaces, strong public realm landmarks, effective connectivity between public buildings, and vibrant neighborhoods. Moreover, the chapter pinpoints key aspects in the master plan related to how to create a unique identity in new cities, while providing a better life quality for Egyptian citizens, together with establishing an international attractive venue for cultural, and leisure tourism.
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The idea of building new cities in Egypt started in 1868, with Port Said during the colonial period, followed by other new communities around Cairo, Helwan, Heliopolis, Madinet Nasr, all became suburbs, now they are merged with Greater Cairo Region. In the late 70s started the te first generation of the new cities.