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2024 | Buch

Algorithmic Aspects of Discrete Choice in Convex Optimization


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This book develops a framework to analyze algorithmic aspects of discrete choice models in convex optimization. The central aspect is to derive new prox-functions from discrete choice surplus functions, which are then incorporated into convex optimization schemes. The book provides further economic applications of discrete choice prox-functions within the context of convex optimization such as network manipulation based on alternating minimization and dynamic pricing for online marketplaces.


Chapter 1. Introduction
The role of discrete choice models in convex optimization is discussed. Classically, discrete choice models describe a decision-making problem in an economic context (McFadden, 1978). Since then, a countless amount of researchers applied these models to identify choice-affecting characteristics or attributes. As well, a lot of research papers were devoted to the development of new discrete choice models. A good overview of existing literature can be found in Anderson et al. (1992) or Train (2009).
David Müller
Chapter 2. Discrete Choice Models
Discrete choice models enjoy a broad popularity in the research community as well as amongst practitioners in the industry. From a theoretical point of view these models attract researchers of different fields due to their interdisciplinary character. Central aspect is the analysis of individual choices, since discrete choice models analyze how and why decisions are made.
David Müller
Chapter 3. Discrete Choice Prox-Functions
We analyze the duality relation between random utility models and representative agent models, which has already been mentioned in Sect. 2.2. We derive new prox-functions on the simplex from additive random utility models and semi-parametric choice models. More precisely, the convex conjugate of the surplus function of certain discrete choice models satisfies the properties of prox-functions, known from optimization.
David Müller
Chapter 4. Consumption Cycle
We illustrate the benefit of discrete choice prox-functions derived in Chapter 3 in an economic framework. Therefore, we focus on the question of consumer’s utility maximization. More particularly, discrete choice prox-functions are applied for the adjustment of consumer’s demand.
David Müller
Chapter 5. Network Manipulation
In this chapter we present another application of discrete choice prox-functions. In fact, we elaborate a network manipulation algorithm based on an alternating minimization scheme from Nesterov (2020). In our context, the alternative process mimics the natural behavior of agents and organizations operating on a network.
David Müller
Chapter 6. Dynamic Pricing
Recently, there is growing interest and need for dynamic pricing algorithms, especially, in the field of online marketplaces by offering smart pricing options for big online stores. The dynamic adjustment of prices attracts researchers and practitioners from different areas, such as economics, operations research, computer science and econometrics. Therefore, the amount of existing literature concerning dynamic pricing is extensive.
David Müller
Chapter 7. Conclusion and Perspectives
This text presents several ways to incorporate discrete choice models into convex optimization schemes. The analysis is motivated by problems of computational economics, such as e. g. consumption behavior, diffusion of information, and dynamic pricing. As the foundation, we study the strong convexity of the convex conjugate of the surplus functions due to different discrete choice models.
David Müller
Algorithmic Aspects of Discrete Choice in Convex Optimization
verfasst von
David Müller
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