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An Augmented Space Smoothing Method based on the Signal Space in Coherent Scenarios

verfasst von: Jun Zhao, Renzhou Gui, Xudong Dong, Meng Sun

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Ausgabe 9/2024


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In the field of coherent direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, traditional subspace-based algorithms encounter difficulties due to the loss of rank in the signal covariance matrix. To mitigate this concern, we introduce a novel technique called augmented space smoothing (ASS). The proposed method exploits the maximum eigenvectors and their corresponding eigenvalues of the signal subspace, which benefits the utilize both auto-correlation and inter-correlation information. By assigning distinct weights to the auto-correlation and cross-correlation information, our method enables accurate direction-finding estimation of two fully coherent signals located at varying angular intervals. Furthermore, we provide a rigorous proof that the proposed ASS matrix efficiently recovers the matrix rank matching the source quantity. By utilizing these fundamental properties, our approach demonstrates a de-coherence ability to address the rank deficiency issue in traditional subspace-based algorithms used for coherent signal processing tasks. Compared to existing spatial smoothing methods, such as spatial smoothing pre-processing (SSP), modified spatial smoothing pre-processing (MSSP), subarrays cross-correlation (SCC), improved spatial smoothing (ISS), enhanced spatial smoothing (ESS) and enhanced spatial smoothing pre-processing based on signal space (ESS-SS), our proposed algorithm demonstrates a superior estimation performance. Finally, we have verified the effectiveness of our algorithm through the simulation results of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the number of snapshots, and angular separation.

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An Augmented Space Smoothing Method based on the Signal Space in Coherent Scenarios
verfasst von
Jun Zhao
Renzhou Gui
Xudong Dong
Meng Sun
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing / Ausgabe 9/2024
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878