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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

An Efficient Framework for Student’s Club Recommender System Using Machine Learning Models

verfasst von : Jayanth Gurajada, R. Anu Keerthi, G. Santhandeep, S. Sandosh

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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In academic settings, scholars routinely encounter challenges in finding appropriate exercises for coeducational learning. The courses specialize in the Club Recommendation System (CRS) which aims to provide group counseling tailored to individual preferences using the Factorization Machines (FM) model. These are the extraordinary student attractions and loads of pictures to look at, or the dynamic mini club environments that act as serious issues that one must experience to strive for a premiership. However, it is a very difficult project to think through the complexity of preferences and membership issues; fortunately, the device is very rich with system learning techniques and factorization techniques that solve one's desire problems in models. The gift CRS after going through the facts processing with specific mission and matrix factorization will automate its best later to individualize group recommendations for each student. Through this approach, there will be a large community of students with diverse students interacting with many groups everywhere.

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An Efficient Framework for Student’s Club Recommender System Using Machine Learning Models
verfasst von
Jayanth Gurajada
R. Anu Keerthi
G. Santhandeep
S. Sandosh
Springer Nature Singapore