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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

An Exploration of the Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance: A Study on Women Police Personnel in India

verfasst von : Kavita Kumari, Rupali Arora

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Throughout the course of history, the pivotal position occupied by women in community has been crucial in fostering stability, facilitating progress, and fostering sustained growth. In every community, women assume the primary responsibility for the care of children and elders. In the present-day society, women have made significant strides in terms of professional advancement. They are maintaining close proximity with individuals of the opposing gender. In the Indian context, a significant proportion of economic endeavors are undertaken by women, including several domains such as family and care giving responsibilities, agricultural pursuits, educational endeavors, industrial activities, banking operations, and service sector engagements. The primary objective of this research is to ascertain the determinants that dominance the maintenance of an optimal work-life balance among female police personnel in India. In order to achieve this goal, a sample of two hundred and ten (210) female police personnel was randomly picked from various police stations in the states of Haryana and Punjab, India. The collected data were subjected to analysis using several statistical techniques, including validity and reliability checks, multiple regression analysis, analysis of variance, and test of hypothesis. The data that has been evaluated has been presented in tabular format. This study reveals a significant influence of both internal and external influences on the work-life balance of female police personnel in India. The significant influence of a heavy workload in workplace on job stress, productivity and job satisfaction among police personnel underscores the necessity for implementing policies that promote work schedule flexibility, support at workplace, and balance of work and life. According to this research, the adoption of a work-life balance (WLB) policy is of utmost importance for institutions in order to foster a positive working environment for female police personnel.

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An Exploration of the Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance: A Study on Women Police Personnel in India
verfasst von
Kavita Kumari
Rupali Arora
Springer Nature Singapore