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01.04.2011 | Original Paper

An extended graphical targeting technique for direct reuse/recycle in concentration and property-based resource conservation networks

verfasst von: Shin Yin Saw, Liangming Lee, Ming Hann Lim, Dominic Chwan Yee Foo, Irene Mei Leng Chew, Raymond R. Tan, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš

Erschienen in: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | Ausgabe 2/2011


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Minimum flowrate targeting methods for resource conservation networks (RCNs) have been developed over the last decades. The existing methodologies still have certain drawbacks. Their design insights could be deepened and some steps should be more convenient for the users. A targeting tool called the material surplus composite curve (MSCC), which is an improvement of the surplus diagram for water and hydrogen networks is introduced. The approach is illustrated on several cases selected from the literature. Using this technique, it is possible to determine rigorous flowrate targets for different variants of the RCN problem.

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An extended graphical targeting technique for direct reuse/recycle in concentration and property-based resource conservation networks
verfasst von
Shin Yin Saw
Liangming Lee
Ming Hann Lim
Dominic Chwan Yee Foo
Irene Mei Leng Chew
Raymond R. Tan
Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Erschienen in
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy / Ausgabe 2/2011
Print ISSN: 1618-954X
Elektronische ISSN: 1618-9558

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