2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
An Extensible Free Software Platform for Managing Image-Based Clinical Trials
verfasst von : M. A. Laguna, N. Malpica, J. A. Hernández-Tamames
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The Multiclinical Trial Web PACS (MCTWP) is a free software platform to support image management in clinical trials. This means not only long-term image storage, but also trial protocol support, post-processing, task management and result registration. The application makes it possible to ensure traceability and replicability in experiments and measurements.
MCTWP has been developed in Java. It follows theMVC pattern and uses several free software projects. It has been designed to be image-format independent, so it can manage DICOM, Analyze and Nifti, and can also be extended to include other standards.
The resulting application is currently being used in Fundación CIEN in Madrid, for performing studies on neurodegenerative diseases.
The application increases quality and consistency of trial processes and results, and allows to revisit a certain trial in the future, as new techniques become available, or to confront results with new clinical findings.