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20.05.2024 | Research Paper

An improved algorithm for solving the Weber location problem

verfasst von: Zvi Drezner

Erschienen in: 4OR


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In this note we propose an improved algorithm for the solution of the Weber problem which is the most fundamental problem in location analysis. It is used as a building block in many algorithms for solving more complicated location problems. The algorithm is very simple to implement and the idea behind it can inspire solution approaches to other optimization problems as well. Computational experiments demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed algorithm. Such an improvement will assist in the solution of more complicated models that apply the solution to Weber problem repeatedly many times as part of their solution algorithms.

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An improved algorithm for solving the Weber location problem
verfasst von
Zvi Drezner
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
Print ISSN: 1619-4500
Elektronische ISSN: 1614-2411


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