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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

An Inspiring and Intimidating Relationship: Franco-German Cooperation from the Polish Perspective

verfasst von : Kornelia Kończal

Erschienen in: Franco-German Relations Seen from Abroad

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The unprecedented success of the Franco-German reconciliation after 1945 provoked a great deal of reflection and set the ground for political action. From the Polish perspective, the Franco-German relations played three functions being a source of inspiration, anxiety and hope. First, many aspects of the Polish-German reconciliation after 1989 have been inspired by similar developments that unfolded between France and Germany after 1945. Second, the leading role of France and Germany in the European Union has caused anxiety for both Euro-skeptics and Euro-enthusiasts in Poland. Whereas the former are anxious about Poland’s national sovereignty, the latter consider the close cooperation between France and Germany as a threat to the European project as a whole. Third, the Franco-German-Polish cooperation—in the form of the Weimar Triangle, launched in 1991—led many political actors and observers to believe that Poland could have a major impact on the course of European integration. This failed attempt to institutionalize the Franco-German-Polish relationship suggests that the transferability of the Franco-German experience relies upon imitation rather than innovation and that it might be limited to bilateral contexts.

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The phrase “ten centuries of struggle” was coined by the Polish historian Zygmunt Wojciechowski (1945).
The Franco-German “Histoire/Geschichte” series consists of three volumes (Le Quintrec and Geiss 2006; Henri et al. 2008; Bendick et al. 2011); more information is available at https://​www.​histoiregeschich​te.​com. The Polish-German “Europe – Our History” series consists of four volumes (Gemeinsame Deutsch-Polnische Schulbuchkommission 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020); more information is available at https://​en.​europa-unsere-geschichte.​org See also Korostelina and Lässig (2013).
Whereas the popularity of the Franco-German textbook in France and Germany and the interest in the Polish-German textbook in Germany still has a chance to grow, the actual usage of the Polish-German textbook in Poland has been made impossible owing to the 2017 school reform, which reverted the entire school system to the pre-1999 format.
The Austrian-Czech history textbook is an example (Perzi et al. 2019).
In 2016, ARTE suspended its cooperation with TVP because of the increasing politicisation of public broadcasting in Poland (Zeit Online 2016).
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An Inspiring and Intimidating Relationship: Franco-German Cooperation from the Polish Perspective
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