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7. An International Response to Site Contamination

verfasst von : Elizabeth Brandon

Erschienen in: Global Approaches to Site Contamination Law

Verlag: Springer Netherlands

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This chapter examines the feasibility of developing an international instrument on site contamination, whether in binding or non-binding form. It discusses the notion of ‘common concern’ and similar concepts, with reference to site contamination and other environmental issues. Particular attention is paid to the reasons why binding global agreements have been achieved for some environmental issues, but not others, and the lessons to be drawn from this. The appropriate form and content of a possible international instrument on site contamination are discussed. The prospects of such an instrument are considered, and recommendations are made as to the most practical approach to be taken at the global level.

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Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (1994), opened for signature 17 June 1994, 1954 UNTS 3 (entry into force 26 December 1996) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (1994), opened for signature 17 June 1994, 1954 UNTS 3 (entry into force 26 December 1996)
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Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme (2006c) Overarching policy strategy. Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management. UN Doc SAICM/ICCM.1/7 United Nations Environment Programme (2006c) Overarching policy strategy. Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management. UN Doc SAICM/ICCM.1/7
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Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (1997a) International action to protect human health and the environment through measures which will reduce and/or eliminate emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants, including the development of an international legally binding instrument. Decision 19/13C, 19th sess, 8th mtg, UN Doc UNEP/GC.19/13C United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (1997a) International action to protect human health and the environment through measures which will reduce and/or eliminate emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants, including the development of an international legally binding instrument. Decision 19/13C, 19th sess, 8th mtg, UN Doc UNEP/GC.19/13C
Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (1997b). Nairobi declaration on the role and mandate of the United Nations Environment Programme. Decision 19/1, 19th sess, 7th mtg, UN Doc UNEP/GC.19/34 United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (1997b). Nairobi declaration on the role and mandate of the United Nations Environment Programme. Decision 19/1, 19th sess, 7th mtg, UN Doc UNEP/GC.19/34
Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (2003) Mercury programme. Decision 22/4 Part V, 22nd sess, UN Doc UNEP/GC.22/11 United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (2003) Mercury programme. Decision 22/4 Part V, 22nd sess, UN Doc UNEP/GC.22/11
Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council, Global Ministerial Environment Forum (2005) Chemicals management. Decision 23/9V, 23rd sess, UN Doc UNEP/GC.23/11 United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council, Global Ministerial Environment Forum (2005) Chemicals management. Decision 23/9V, 23rd sess, UN Doc UNEP/GC.23/11
Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council, Global Ministerial Environment Forum (2007) Chemicals management. Decision 24/3 Part IV, 24th sess, UN Doc UNEP/GC/24/12 United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council, Global Ministerial Environment Forum (2007) Chemicals management. Decision 24/3 Part IV, 24th sess, UN Doc UNEP/GC/24/12
Zurück zum Zitat United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council, Global Ministerial Environment Forum (2009) Chemicals management, including mercury. Decision 25/5, 25th sess, UN Doc. UNEP/GC.25/5 United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council, Global Ministerial Environment Forum (2009) Chemicals management, including mercury. Decision 25/5, 25th sess, UN Doc. UNEP/GC.25/5
Zurück zum Zitat United Nations General Assembly (1988) Resolution 43/53 on the protection of the global climate for present and future generations of mankind. UN GAOR, 7th plen mtg, UN Doc A/RES/43/53 United Nations General Assembly (1988) Resolution 43/53 on the protection of the global climate for present and future generations of mankind. UN GAOR, 7th plen mtg, UN Doc A/RES/43/53
An International Response to Site Contamination
verfasst von
Elizabeth Brandon
Springer Netherlands