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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

An Investigation on Coral Reef Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms

verfasst von : S. Nithish Karthik, M. Hariharasudhan, M. Anousouya Devi

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Due to growing challenges, coral reefs—one of the planet’s most ecologically varied and commercially significant ecosystems—need to be the focus of increased conservation efforts. This paper explores the rapidly developing field of machine learning applications for automatic categorization from underwater photography, as well as the changing terrain of coral reef classification. We emphasize the need of effective monitoring and conservation efforts because we acknowledge the critical role that coral reefs play in maintaining marine biodiversity and coastal protection. Machine learning approaches are explored in the context of growing concerns like habitat loss and coral bleaching, which are combined with biological importance. This study represents a paradigm leap in our understanding of and response to the complex dynamics of coral reefs, going beyond the recent advances in automation. Through the provision of real-time, nuanced insights about the composition and health of reefs, machine learning emerges as a lighthouse that illuminates the route toward successful reef management. The wider ramifications are significant, going beyond simplified procedures to radically change our approaches to conservation.

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An Investigation on Coral Reef Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms
verfasst von
S. Nithish Karthik
M. Hariharasudhan
M. Anousouya Devi
Springer Nature Singapore