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2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

An Online Program for the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Patients with Cochlear Implants

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This paper presents the general architecture and functionality of Co-Clear, an online program designed for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with cochlear implants. The main features rely on the portability of the system, which can run multiplatform, allowing the patient to continue auditory rehabilitation outside the clinic. Co-Clear follows state-of-the-art techniques both in databases management and object organization. As for the perceptual model, it is based on the priming technique according to which the hypothesis for the rehabilitation method lies on the continuous presentation of synthetic stimuli. This paper presents a first version oriented towards the diagnosis of speech recognition and auditory rehabilitation of children. The easy-to-use GUI is also highlighted. The diagnostic model attempts to identify accuracy in the interpretation of frequency ranges characteristic of vowels. This approach complements traditional audiological tests based on pure tones. The rehabilitation model currently incorporated in the system allows for both discrimination and identification tasks and the same has been implemented on a multi-layered architecture made of a series of tasks chosen by the clinician which, allow for the selection of multiple curricula. Curricula here have to be understood as individualized and specific series of auditory tasks that need to be completed in different sessions (and days) by one patient. The system identifies the accuracy rate of each task and directs the patient towards the corresponding set of tasks. Both the tasks and the paths to complete the rehabilitation exercises can be managed at the clinic. This feature can guarantee a fast adaptation to the cochlear implant as the system focuses on the adaptation to natural spoken communicative situations.

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An Online Program for the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Patients with Cochlear Implants
verfasst von
T. Lopez-Soto
A. Castillo-Armero