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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

27. An Overview of Lean Manufacturing and Sustainability

verfasst von : Sonia Valeria Avilés-Sacoto, Estefanía Caridad Avilés-Sacoto, José Luis Valencia-Vallejo, David Sebastián Flores-Figueroa

Erschienen in: Lean Manufacturing in Latin America

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Worldwide, businesses are not only interested in becoming economically profitable but are also seeking to incorporate sustainability into their processes to meet increasing pressures from customers to be environmentally and socially sustainable. Therefore, they seek strategies that allow them to optimize their resources, as well as environmentally and socially friendly. A good approach to pursuing this is Lean Manufacturing, which contributes to an organization’s competitiveness by improving productivity and quality by eliminating waste along a product’s or service’s value stream. This study shows that even though Lean Manufacturing has no intention of reducing environmental impacts, it can contribute to improving the use of natural resources and enhancing the well-being of people.

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An Overview of Lean Manufacturing and Sustainability
verfasst von
Sonia Valeria Avilés-Sacoto
Estefanía Caridad Avilés-Sacoto
José Luis Valencia-Vallejo
David Sebastián Flores-Figueroa


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