2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Analysis of Silicon Dioxide Interface Transition Region in MOS Structures
verfasst von : S. Markov, N. Barin, C. Fiegna, S. Roy, E. Sangiorgi, A. Asenov
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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We study the Si(100) inversion layer quantisation, capacitance and tunnelling characteristics in the case of a gradual band gap transition at the Si/SiO
interface. A linear band gap transition of 0.5 nm at the SiO
side results in nearly 20% redistribution of carriers from the 2-fold to the 4-fold degenerate valley, due to the greater wave-function penetration and sub-band level lowering for the 4-fold valley. The gate capacitance is enhanced by up to 12% for a 1.0 nm nominal oxide thickness, and the direct tunnelling current density increases by an order of magnitude.