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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Analysis of Suspension Dynamic Characteristics for Ride Comfort Development Using Suspension Rig Test

verfasst von : Seungmin Kwon, Yong-Sub Yi, Jieun Song, Jongmin Jung, Ho Joon Park

Erschienen in: 11th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2020

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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In the era of future mobility ahead of us, the importance of ride comfort performance will be highlighted further by the increasing demand from customers for comfort to lead daily lives such as reading and resting in cars while on the move. If it is possible to predict the ride comfort performance of the vehicle using only the system without the vehicle tests, ride comfort performance development at the early stage is very advantageous through target cascading and system level performance enhancement. In this paper, newly installed test rigs (suspension module test rig, dynamic comfort roadway, chassis dyno) were used to identify the effect of the vibration characteristics of suspension on the ride comfort performance, and the system’s vibration characteristics and ride tests were carried out, and correlation between the ride comfort performance and system vibration characteristics was analyzed. Ride comfort performance enhancement process at the system level based on analysis of system vibration characteristics was proposed. The target of vibration characteristics of the suspension system to improve ride comfort performance and a process of component design was proposed.

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Analysis of Suspension Dynamic Characteristics for Ride Comfort Development Using Suspension Rig Test
verfasst von
Seungmin Kwon
Yong-Sub Yi
Jieun Song
Jongmin Jung
Ho Joon Park
Springer Berlin Heidelberg