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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Analysis on the Development Path of Enterprise Transformation and Upgrading—Based on the Strategic Niche Theory

verfasst von : Yue Zhang, Jiayuan Wang

Erschienen in: IEIS 2021

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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In the network era, the rapid development of information technology has caused a significant impact on traditional Chinese enterprises, causing them to fall into a development bottleneck. Transformation and upgrading have become effective ways for existing enterprises to save themselves and breakthrough themselves. However, there is still a “black box” in enterprise transformation and upgrading in the present research. As a result, it isn’t easy to provide correct and practical guidance for enterprise practice. Therefore, based on the value chain theory research and the strategic niche theory, this paper attempts to deeply analyze the mechanism of Chinese enterprises’ transformation and upgrading and then propose three development paths: the development path of technicalization, marketization, and collaboratization, to provide practical and theoretical guidance for enterprises’ transformation and upgrading.

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Analysis on the Development Path of Enterprise Transformation and Upgrading—Based on the Strategic Niche Theory
verfasst von
Yue Zhang
Jiayuan Wang
Springer Nature Singapore

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