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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Analyzing Usage Data in Enterprise Cloud Software: An Action Design Research Approach

verfasst von : Philipp Hoffmann, Kai Spohrer, Armin Heinzl

Erschienen in: Information Systems Outsourcing

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The shift from on-premise to cloud enterprise software has fundamentally changed the interactions between software vendors and users. Since enterprise software users are now working directly on an infrastructure that is provided or monitored by the software vendor, enterprise cloud software providers are technically able to measure nearly every interaction of each individual user with their cloud products. The novel insights into actual usage that can thereby be gained provide an opportunity for requirements engineering to improve and effectively extend enterprise cloud products while they are being used. Even though academic literature has been proposing ideas and conceptualizations of leveraging usage data in requirements engineering for nearly a decade, there are no functioning prototypes that implement such ideas. Drawing on an exploratory case study at one of the world’s leading cloud software vendors, we conceptualize an Action Design Research project that fills this gap. The project aims to establish a software prototype that supports requirements engineering activities to incrementally improve enterprise cloud software in the post-delivery phase based on actual usage data.

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Analyzing Usage Data in Enterprise Cloud Software: An Action Design Research Approach
verfasst von
Philipp Hoffmann
Kai Spohrer
Armin Heinzl