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2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Application Level Execution Model for Transparent Distributed Computing

verfasst von : Razvan-Mihai Aciu, Horia Ciocarlie

Erschienen in: New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Writing a distributed application involves using a number of different protocols and libraries such as CORBA, MPI, OpenMP or portable virtual machines like JVM or .NET. These are independent pieces of software and gluing them together adds complexity which can be error prone. Still, some issues such as transparent creation and synchronization of the parallel distributed threads, code replication, data communication and hardware and software platform abstraction are not yet fully addressed. For these reasons a programmer must still manually handle tasks that should be automatically and transparently done by the system. In this work we propose a novel computing model especially designed to abstract and automate the distributed computing requirements ensuring at the same time the dependability and scalability of the system. Our model is designed for a portable virtual machine suitable to be implemented both on hardware native instruction set as well as in other virtual machines like JVM or .NET to ensure its portability across hardware and software frameworks.

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Application Level Execution Model for Transparent Distributed Computing
verfasst von
Razvan-Mihai Aciu
Horia Ciocarlie
Springer International Publishing