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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Application of Anaerobic Process and Energy, Materials Recovery for Textile Processing Wastewater

verfasst von : Md. Sahil Rafiq, Mohammad Shakhawat Hosen Apurba, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Zaman Mirdha, Nadim Reza Khandaker

Erschienen in: Emerging Technologies in Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment: Lessons from Developed to Enhancing Practices in Developing Countries

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Scientific innovators have provided the inhabitants of Earth with a better quality of life. However, sometimes the road to self-destruction is paved with good intentions. Humankind is under existential threat. The burning issue on planet Earth is now the mitigation of climate change and sustaining our lifestyle with less energy, materials, and other factors of production. This chapter aims to guide process designers in treating textile processing wastewater in a less energy-intensive manner with a lower carbon footprint and reusing the wastes that have been rejected in various biological and chemical processes. The second law of thermodynamics explains how much materials or energy are wasted in the transformation processes. The objective is to recover the potential material or energy and reuse it to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Circular economy of wastewater treatment and how waste by-products from textile processing wastewater treatment plants can be turned into value-added components to build sustainability. In this regard, wastewater recycling will be treated substantially by discussing technologies and processes available and the economy—examples of smart operating facilities where wastewater is turned into assets.

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Application of Anaerobic Process and Energy, Materials Recovery for Textile Processing Wastewater
verfasst von
Md. Sahil Rafiq
Mohammad Shakhawat Hosen Apurba
Mohammad Moshiur Rahman
Zaman Mirdha
Nadim Reza Khandaker