2008 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Applications of the Subspace Theorem to Certain Diophantine Problems
A survey of some recent results
verfasst von : Pietro Corvahja, Umberto Zannier
Erschienen in: Diophantine Approximation
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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One of the cornerstones of modern Diophantine Approximation is the Schmidt Subspace Theorem. Its original form was obtained by Wolfgang Schmidt around 1970, as an evolution of slightly special cases related to an analogue of Roth’s Theorem for simultaneous rational approximations to several algebraic numbers. While Roth’s Theorem considers rational approximations to a given algebraic point on the line, the Subspace Theorem deals with approximations to given hyperplanes in higher dimensional space, defined over the field of algebraic numbers, by means of rational points in that space.